Overcoming Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD)

Find Peace and Acceptance

Do you feel like every criticism, even the smallest, cuts deeper than it should? Does rejection — real or perceived — feel like a constant, unbearable pain? If so, you might be struggling with Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD), a condition that affects many people, especially those with ADHD or other neurodivergent identities. You’re not alone, and there is hope.

What is Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD)?

Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria is a term used to describe an intense emotional reaction to perceived rejection or criticism. It is not formally recognized in the DSM-5 but is frequently discussed in ADHD research and communities. RSD can cause severe emotional pain, leading to overwhelming feelings of worthlessness, shame, and anger. Studies suggest that up to 99% of adults with ADHD experience RSD symptoms to some degree, with nearly 30% rating it as the most impairing aspect of their ADHD (Dodson, 2018; Hirsch et al., 2020).

Do You Recognize Yourself in These Experiences?

  • Do you find yourself overreacting to criticism? Even when someone means well, does it feel like a personal attack? Do you replay conversations repeatedly, questioning what you did wrong or how you could have avoided feeling rejected?

  • Are social situations filled with anxiety? Do you avoid new opportunities or relationships, convinced that you won’t be accepted or that you’re somehow not good enough?

  • Do your emotions feel overwhelming? Do even minor slights cause a wave of anxiety, sadness, or anger that feels impossible to control?

  • Are you exhausted from trying to be perfect or always pleasing others? Do you find yourself constantly overcommitting, saying yes when you mean no, or striving to be flawless just to gain approval or avoid criticism?

If these experiences sound familiar, are you tired of feeling this way? Feeling trapped in an endless cycle of self-doubt, fear, and emotional pain can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Is This How You Want to Live?

It’s understandable to feel hopeless when it seems like rejection is lurking around every corner. The constant anxiety, self-blame, and fear of judgment can make you feel like you’re stuck in an emotional cage, missing out on opportunities, and feeling distant from the people around you.

What if there was a way out? What if you could break free from the constant fear of rejection, feel more confident, and find peace?

How Therapy Can Help: Reclaim Your Life from RSD

At Equanimity Psychology Services, we specialize in helping people like you who struggle with Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. Here’s how we can help you start feeling better:

  • Reframe Your Thoughts with trauma informed and affirming Cognitive Therapies: I use evidence-based techniques to help you identify and challenge negative thought patterns that fuel RSD. You’ll learn how to reframe thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “Everyone will reject me,” replacing them with healthier, more balanced perspectives that reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions (Rosen et al., 2019).

  • Build Emotional Resilience with Skills Training: Learn practical skills to manage intense emotions when they arise. Through techniques from Compassion Focused and trauma informed Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), we’ll help you build distress tolerance, mindfulness, and emotional regulation skills so that you can face rejection or criticism with greater confidence and less fear.

  • Cultivate Self-Compassion and Confidence: Therapy can help you develop self-compassion and recognize your worth beyond others' opinions. By embracing your unique sensitivities, you can build self-esteem, navigate social situations more comfortably, and create a more fulfilling, authentic life.

Are You Ready for a Change?

You don’t have to live with the constant fear of rejection and criticism. At Equanimity Psychology Services, we’re here to help you find the peace, confidence, and connections you deserve.

Book Your Consultation Today!

Take the first step toward reclaiming your life from Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria! Reach out today for a free consultation and let’s start this journey together!