Helping You Connect With Others By Connecting With Your True Self

Counseling Online in Nevada for Adults

Interacting with other people has been confusing since you were a child. You might be Autisic, an ADHDer, and/or just always struggled to connect with others. No matter the reason, you are so tired of feeling like an outsider everywhere you go, whether it’s at work or in your daily life. 

You have been trying for years to build good friendships and relationships but it just never seems to happen

Maybe the person you are trying to connect with outright rejects you. Or stops responding in that overly polite way people have. Or maybe you’re a couple of months in and you realize the relationship is one-sided. Then you figure out they are using you or sometimes you are full-on being bullied

As an adult, it’s embarrassing. Somehow it keeps happening and you don’t know what you are doing wrong.

But you are pretty sure it’s you. 

Even so, you put yourself out there only to get hurt over and over again. You walk away from these interactions wondering why you can’t figure out how to naturally connect with others. You walk away hating that others don’t see you as someone to be friends with. 

It’s exhausting getting rejected over and over and you want to make it stop.

All of this rejection tells you is that there is something wrong with you. Something that makes you the outsider you don’t want to be. It tells you that the person you are isn't good enough at “peopling” to have friends

You want to figure out how to be that person that others want to spend time with. It feels like the only way to get rid of the loneliness. Like it’s the only way to have the things that you want in life.

If this is you and you are ready for help, schedule a consult here.

Meet Dr. Angie

As a therapist, one of my gifts is helping people like yourself, whether neurodivergent or not find connections with others when they couldn’t before. I help you accept your real self, your strengths, and even embrace the places that you struggle. I help you find a connection with others through a real connection with yourself so that you can have the relationships you’ve always wanted.

Relationships Don’t Have to Be This Way

You don’t have to feel so lonely. You don’t have to feel the burn of rejection, that is deeply personal, over and over again. You can be your true self and have friends. 

You can have the connections that you crave without changing everything about who you are. You can get to a place where you accept who you are and others accept you too.

You can be in a place where you don’t hate everyone and maybe they don’t hate you. 

You don’t have to get used and bullied in order to have friends.

My Specialties

Therapy for autistic and/or Adhd adults

Overachieving young adults questioning what’s next

How to Get Started With Online Therapy in Nevada

As a fully telehealth therapist, you will meet with me from wherever feels most comfortable and private for you. You can meet with me from your office, garage, or from the comfort of your home.

Here are the next steps:

1. Schedule a consultation with me HERE

2. In our consultation, we’ll talk for 20 minutes. We will talk about what you are struggling with, what you are looking for in a therapist, and how I work. During this time, we will figure out if I am the right therapist for you.

3. If we decide to move forward, we will schedule our first session.

Learn more about working with me in my FAQs section here.